I’m Rosita, I’m 5 years old and I attend Escolinha de Sta. Catarina. I’m always having fun with my friends. I really enjoy being in school because I learn a lot, and I’ve even learnt how to count. Whenever the teacher calls someone to the board I’m always the first one to go, and I also love to sing and listen to stories.“
Did you know that with only £89 a year you take a child like Rosita out of the streets and protect her by providing access to classes and adult supervision in the ALG Preschools?
ALG Preschools provide unprivileged children, between 3 and 5 years of age, access to pre-school education, in a safe didactic environment. The ALG preschools give vulnerable children, without resources to attend a kindergarten, daily access to classes where they are busy developing skills, study habits and reducing marginality in preschool age.
For £73 per child at Escolinha Flor da Infância Preschool (Vila Marien Ngouambi in Xai-Xai) and £104 per child at Escolinha de Santa Catarina Preschool (Chongoene Mission), ALG finances 2 daily meals, school materials, uniforms, and the support of teachers and expert monitors, under the local supervision of Grandma Etelvina (EFI) and Sister Hortênsia (ESC). ALG preschools relief poverty and promote an educated childhood for very young and underprivileged children.
ALG has been offering this festive calendar to all ALG friends since 2011. This year you can also print a high definition version for only 1£!
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