João Gabriel is 13 years old. He lives with his grandparents and, like every other children of his age he loves to laugh, to play and football. He is with ALG since 2012, when he joined UPG Portugal Sponsoring Programme in Bungane. He wrote a loving letter to his Sponsors sent through our Local Technical Arnaldo.

“Hello dear sponsor,
I am well, healthy and with my family. I loved your letter and also the image of Our Lady you sent me. I received a box with clothes I do not remember if it was in 2012 or in the beginning of 2013 and I also received a beautiful rosary with a book that I use in catechism. I lost the rosary this year in the spiritual retreat and I now I only have the book but I would like to thank you very much for sending me these gifts…
This year I passed my profession of faith and I always pray for the help you provide me. I’m still waiting for my school results. We already had our exams and I work hard but it is difficult! I wish you and your family all the best and a Merry Christmas to you too.”
Through our sister-charity, UPG Portugal that began its Sponsoring Programme in 2004 with 50 children. After 10 years, the number of sponsored children rose to 850 in the areas of Xai- Xai, Chongoene and Chokwé.
Each child is allocated to a sponsor and he/she is granted access to school and nourishment, through school meals our through a monthly basket for the whole family. Besides the material goods the sponsoring programme brings care and attention from loving sponsors to children in need. UPG Portugal Sponsoring Programme initiates a long term relationship between the children and the Portuguese speaking sponsors.
ALG has been offering this festive calendar to all ALG friends since 2011. This year you can also print a high definition version for only 1£!
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