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8th: Hilário – One Year as ALG General Coordinator

Hilario Langa is with ALG for 8 years as a University Scholarship holder and Local Technician in São Vicente de Paulo. Last year, the newly graduate in Business Administration and Management, was ALG’s first hiring on the ground – as the new ALG General Coordinator in Mozambique!

The General Coordinator has a crucial role as ALG Partner providing a link between the Local Partners, on the ground, and the Headquarters in the UK and Portugal. Hilário tries to support all the six Partners when they need and, at the same time, he facilitates the daily link with ALG on the ground.   

Always with tenderness and dedication to the children Hilário is responsible for:  

  • Coordinating the actions of the several local projects and provide support through monitoring;
  • Improving the implementation of UPG Portugal Sponsoring and the implementation of Education, Nourishment and Health programmes through the follow-up  of individual cases;
  • Enabling the development of new projects based on the survey of information and on the needs of Local Partners and Technicians;
  • Providing local entities a contact point in the organization, and scheduling regular meetings to keep them up to date with the organization’s activities;
  • To follow-up any local issue related with the organization.

Hilário is a huge success for ALG. From a dedicated student to an ALG reliable support on the ground, it has been a true joy to see him grow and help us to break the local poverty cycle!

ALG has been offering this festive calendar to all ALG friends since 2011. This year you can also print a high definition version for only 1£!
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