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9th: We have new latrines thanks to Cascais City Hall!!

The continuous support provided by Cascais City Hall to UPG Portugal brings hygiene, health and dignity to rural communities in Xai-Xai! Cascais donated £13’423 in funds to UPG in 2013 for reconstruction efforts in the areas affected by the 2013 floods in the Xai-Xai region.

Within the scope of this recovery carried out during these two years, in the impoverished communities, in 2015 ALG developed a micro-programme of Basic Sanitation through Latrines in the region. This year, £1’933 have already been applied to build 17 family latrines, benefiting UPG Portugal Sponsored children in the Nhancutse community, Xai-Xai district. In the neighbouring community of Bungane we invested  £478 to benefit 6 families.

In 2016, we hope to extend this programme to the Banhine community in order to benefit 13 families, always with funds provided by Cascaisfor the Post-Floods Reconstruction. This basic sanitation programme has the goal of improving the living conditions of children and their families, living in very basic huts and usually with no sanitation, through the provision of basic single-family latrines.

The provision of dignified housing and a latrine fulfils the Right to Housing foreseen in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. It allows children to grow and live in a healthy and safe environment. Housing promotes the psychosocial development, feelings of protection, comfort and safety. In the rural areas, the population has four times lesser probability of using improved sanitation infrastructures and 39% of Mozambican population does not have a latrine. This way diseases are easily and quickly spread ending up by resulting even in deaths, mostly children.  

Let’s break the cycle of poverty in Mozambique with better sanitation and health. Please support the construction of ALG Sanitation infrastructures – bring a great help to Mozambique! Please contact us for more details.

ALG has been offering this festive calendar to all ALG friends since 2011. This year you can also print a high definition version for only 1£!
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