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A little milk tale from pre-school ESC…

“Last year, the children in the Flor da Infância and Santa Catarina Preschools drank their little cup of milk and half a bread so willingly an with such appetite…

You makes wonder how much you can offer with such little I should’t even tell you this.. but oh well!  Once over the week-end, one of the children that were having classes under the almond tree, in S. Catarina, came to knock on the door of the volunteers. He wanted to play! I decided to give him a glass of milk with a bit of chocolate powder and some cookies.

Well… I can only tell you I had never seen such a thrilled child with one glass of chocolate milk!! He drank and ate very slowly so the moment would last for longer. “Do you like it?” I asked? And he nodded with his head saying yes, yes…and enjoying that tiny comfort so much.   But unfortunately it was a little luxury he could not have every day…”  

From Virginia F., a portuguese volunteer in Chongoene with UPG Portugal in October 2012 Donate Now!

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