Our Annual Report 2018 has just been published here.
In 2018, A Little Gesture (“ALG”) solidified its action on the ground and reached almost 2000 beneficiaries.
The story of Pedro A. is just one of them, but certainly one that makes us proud. Pedro joined the ALG Family in 2012 as a child under the Sponsorship programme of our sister- charity Um Pequeno Gesto Portugal (“UPG”). Thanks to his good academic performance, he is now the beneficiary of a University Scholarship. This year, as a way to give back, Pedro started providing support to the children in the After-School Study programme ran by ALG in the S. Vicente de Paulo school.
ALG’s support is focused on each child and on each family. For each of them we seek to identify challenges or stones on their path. On top of the UPG-led Sponsoring program, ALG finances diverse Projects in the areas of Education, Poverty Relief, Infrastructure and Sustainability. These are complementary and essential projects so that each child really has a chance to break the cycle of poverty. This is our mission.
Our day to day is possible thanks to our wonderful partnership with sister-charity UPG Portugal and its staff at headquarters in Lisbon, Portugal, as well as the work of our Local Coordinator and Technicians in Mozambique who are key in providing our local partners with hands-on support. Through their hands we can transform the Little Gestures of more than 321 individual, corporate and foundation donors into a Great Help.
It is with our donors and friends that my last world lies. It is with gratitude that we receive each donation, small or large. It is with an enormous sense of responsibility and devotion that we seek to apply it towards the children. It is with your support that we can pursue all our activities and the effect on the children gets multiplied. It is thanks to you that 900 children can get a free meal a day, 379 children get after-school support, 226 children attend pre-school, 114 children have a new technical skill, 13 young people attend university degrees.
Because you chose to help ALG.
For each of your Little Gestures – THANK YOU.
Sara Vicente
Trustee and Founder