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ALG Schools Support Classes 2015

Another school year has ended and the São Vicente de Paulo School and Santa Luísa de Marillac School are assessing the results of the ALG Projects. The ALG sponsors After Schools Support Classes in these two schools which help to improve the UPG sponsored children’s school results. During these classes children develop their skills in reading, writing, maths, dictation and educational culture (citizenship).

At Santa Luísa de Marillac, the sponsored children Celina Mucavele and Mario Manjate have improved their grades with the help of After School Support. Like them, among the 107 sponsored children who attend the After School Support at SLM, 90 also improved their behaviour and attendance.

At São Vicente Paulo, Ortência Nbiza and Carlos Maluleque are among the best students and they also help their struggling colleagues. From the 150 sponsored children attending the After School Support at SVP, 135 have revealed an improvement in their grades and behaviour.

ALG is so proud of these children and acknowledges the importance of this strengthening mechanism for the children. Education is the main tool to break the poverty cycle and with only 7£ we finance one year of After Class Support for a child at SLM and SVP.

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