One Magical Tale per Day
A Little Gesture brings back your Xmas Calendar of Little Gestures!
- So we cheer-up your December rainy days remembering all the good moments you helped build in 2019!
- So you start 2020 with a smile knowing this can be a better place for everyone!
- So you print and stick it on the fridge, stare at it during your lunch break or share with those around you, children and grown-ups, the pleasure of making a difference in someone’s life!

The faces and smiles of our children, the projects we built, the sucesses we achieved – all that ALG has accomplished in 2019 – it is thanks to Your Little Gesture!
For each day of December, we tell you a real life story of how your donation entered the life of a child, family or community.
Every day, the stories will be posted on our blog and facebook
Thank you for your help in 2019! We look forward for more Little Gestures in 2020!
Help us to keep telling this stories in 2010, with A Little Gesture! Every Little Gesture helps!
Donate now!