The end of the year is always a celebratory time, especially for the children. The preschool of Flor da Infância was no different, and on November 25, they celebrated their own Christmas.
A little early, truth be said, but given the summer holidays are threatening to keep the little ones away from the school, better early than never.
It was a small celebration, with a special note on the food that even included potatoes! The children were entitled to cake and one soft drink, a major treat! They all got small gifts – cookies, a lolly pop, small candies and balloons to play. Benefiting from the “Volunteers with Wings” initiative in partnership with the air crew of TAP Air Portugal, there were enough toys donated from Portugal to give each single one of them a little something!
Merry Christmas to all the children!

See all the pictures in Um Pequeno Gesto Picasa Album