Day 1: Nilza Mabunda – A Journey of Hope and Courage
In 2017, Nilsa Mabunda’s life changed forever when she joined Um Pequeno Gesto’s Sponsorship Programme at the age of 10. Since then, she and her family have faced considerable challenges, but have also found reasons to dream of a different future.
Nilsa lives with her mum, her older brother and two younger nephews. The house they live in was built in a situation of emergency after the floods. Over the years, Um Pequeno Gesto’s support has brought hope. In 2019, Nilsa received a new latrine funded by her Godmother, improving the family’s hygiene conditions.
Despite adversity, Nilsa is an example of perseverance. In 2023, she took part in the ‘UPG Winners’ meeting, standing out for her strength and determination.
She’s in Grade 10 and never misses a class. She’s always present at study support sessions, where she diligently studies and helps the little ones with their homework.
As she is in the Sponsorship Programme, she receives a monthly Basic Food Basket. Every month, with commitment and dedication, Nilsa helps the local technicians prepare the basket for more than 200 children who, like her, benefit from this important support.
Nilsa Mabunda’s story reflects not only the difficulties faced by many families in Mozambique, but also the strength, resilience and hope that emerge in response to these challenges.
Despite the adversity, Nilsa demonstrates every day her determination to build a better future, both for herself and her family. The support she receives through A Little Gesture and the changes that have already taken place show that every gesture makes a difference.
This is more than the story of one young woman; it’s an invitation to act. It proves that we can turn dreams into reality, bringing not only material assistance, but also hope and opportunity to those who need it most!