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Day 1 – Eight new homes to brighten up a year of draught!

This year ALG financed the construction of eight new homes for eight families under the UPG Sponsorship Programme in S. Vicente de Paulo, Chokwé.

The area, strongly affected by draught during this last year and half, is characterized by the precarious construction of small dwellings made of mud. With time these houses start to deteriorate. Many have the walls with holes, that the families try to mend using plastic bags, cloths or boards, when they can find them. Most of them is easily exposed to burglary, when it rains they get flooded and, in many cases, they end up in ruins. 

This year sisters Maria and Delfina, Isaura, family Williamo, Sordência, Nunes, Neusia, Assane, and Andrisse received a new house financed by ALG. A safe and resistant brick house, where they can spend the night without fear, and face the wind and rain without having the walls collapsing over the children’s heads. This year ALG invested a total of c. 7,526£ in these constructions.

Having a home is a vital aspect, complementary to UPG’s sponsoring activity, within ALG Infrastructure area. The construction or recuperation of homes extends ALG’s help beyond education and nourishment, complementing these objectives with a dignified environment for families to live in. 

Housing provides children more that a roof. Through housing rehabilitation support, the right to Food and Housing, as per the Universal Declaration of the Rights of the Child, is fulfilled. A dignified place to shelter children promotes their psycho-social development, and feelings of protection, comfort and security. 

ALG has been offering this festive calendar to all ALG Friends since 2011. This year, you can also print a high definition version for only 1£! Donate here

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