Santa Luisa de Marillac, Manjangue, Chokwé

Quinault who is part of the Santa Luisa de Marillac earned his first pair of shoes at the age of 10! Ronaldo never had a pair of shoes and one day he went up to Mano Orcidio, the local UPG technician, in Santa Luisa de Marillac, with dirty clothes and no shoes complaining about his feet! Orcidio shared Ronaldo’s story with the headquarters and asked if new shoes and new clothes could be bought for the boy. After a couple of days Ronaldo complains about his feet again but this time it was because he didn’t know how to walk with shoes on … Orcidio energetically asked him not to give up now and … to keep his shoes. Ronaldo is now walking good, in his confortable shoes.