Remember Arnaldo’s IT Centre? It was an innovative Income Generation project sponsored by ALG 2 years ago, jointly with Randstad and Instituto Camões. This ambitious and hardworking young man’s project is undergoing a legalising and licensing process to become a Training Centre, acknowledged by the National Institute for Employment and Vocational Training!

The first steps have already been taken to obtain the Centre’s licence and we believe that in 2017, the IT Centre will be able to benefit even more youngsters with INEFP’s certification. The Centre is sought by youngsters who wish to take their IT course to enrich their curricula and acquire competences in the new technologies area.
Despite the region’s huge economic deprivation, IT is a requirement for several work posts such as shop assistant or secretary. ALG’s Income Generation initiatives finances small individual, family or community businesses, to foster micro entrepreneurship in the rural communities and contribute for economic family independence.
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