UPG Portugal love to create new partnerships with generous institutions and individuals who open their doors and hearts to raise awareness and funds.
This February, UPG Portugal was one of the four institutions supported by the Portuguese National Ballet Company through their Solidary Dress Rehearsal, offering us 200 invitations for the play “ITMOI – IN THE MIND OF IGOR”. With this opportunity UPG Portugal managed to raise £2’100, inviting a total of 164 spectators with a donation of £13 per ticket. The amount raised during this event was fully applied in one of our most ambitious projects – School Meals at Santa Luísa de Marillac, Mozambique. This project feeds 900 children every day.
We would like to thank the amazing CNB’s corps de ballet who managed, from such a long distance, to bring some magic to the lives of our children in Mozambique. I
n the same month, we had another successful solidary initiative this time with Life Training, jointly with APDP (Portuguese Academy for Personal Development). The event “Inspiration for a magical life” was developed with the purpose of inspiring Portugal, and revealing the “formula to access a magical life “, during a dynamic and fun seminar. In total we raised £1´500 which were also applied in the School Meals Programme in Stª Luisa de Marillac.
Thank you to all who joined us in such inspiring events.
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