How to help

Make your donation

You can make your donation through your credit card, in cash, bank transfer, deposit at the counter or through direct debit!

Day 18: Your 40p/day can change lives!

With some 40pence/day, your Little Gesture changes the life of a sponsored child in Mozambique. Launched in Portugal in 2004, the sponsorship programme finances the individual expenses of a child with education, a monthly basic basket, health care, compulsory school uniforms and other clothing items when necessary.

The monthly basic basket includes: 10 kg of rice or flour, 3 kg of sugar, 2 kg of peanuts, 1 litre of oil, 6 pieces of soap, 2 kgs of beans, 250 g of tea, 1 can of corn, 1 kg of salt and sometimes 1 chicken.  

Our sister-charity UPG Portugal sponsors a total of 918 children in 2013 in the regions of Xai-Xai, Chongoene and Chokwé. Since 2004, with different amounts per region, different ages, and sad but also beautiful stories, there is Portuguese-speaking child waiting for your help and your love.  

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