In Mozambique, 70% of the population live with less than 2 dollars a day. Most of the rural area families are dedicated to agriculture but only for their own consumption. In 2012, we started to finance some Mums willing to have a business of their own and thus become self-sufficient.

In Santa Luisa de Marillac, the pilot-project was started with 4 Moms; one of them is Mum Claudina Tivane. Claudina has 4 children all at school. One of them, Ester, is sponsored by ALG’s Portuguese sister-charity. Mum Claudina used to go to work in her vegetable patch when it rained in order to grow something to feed her children. This family is composed of six people and no one had an income.
We financed this mom to develop a business and now Claudina sells cloths, scarves, flip-flops, shoes, etc. With around £100 it is possible to help a Mum set up her own business to feed her children.
We want to break the cycle of local poverty!