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Day 21: Concinato Joel;

Santa Luisa de Marillac, Manjangue, Chokwé 

Concinato is 8 years old and is currently in Year 2 in Santa Luisa de Marillac, He is part of a very big family, he lives with 15 people in the same house. He has no father. Lives with his mother, step-mother, cousins, and brothers. His father married two women and consequently, his family naturally increased more than usual. His two mums are friends and work at the SLM school: one in the kitchen and one in the vegetable garden with Sister Antónia, UPG Local Partner. Concinato couldn’t have had a better birthday, once he received a fund for his birthday, a package that the UPG created and that is prepared locally and that his godparents can offer to their godchildren.

It’s composed by a mat, a backpack, and some school supplies! Congratulations Concinato!

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