Day 23: Godmother Miranda’s testimony
I really want to share the extraordinary experience I had this year in Mozambique – a journey that had a deep and lasting impact on me. I travelled with A Little Gesture founder, Mana Sara, to visit projects in Xai-Xai and Chongoene.
Many children in these communities face significant challenges, including high rates of malnutrition and limited educational resources. This organisation believes that by providing educational needs and nutritious meals, it can create an environment that fosters learning and growth.
One of A Little Gesture’s main projects is the school feeding programme, which ensures that every child has at least one healthy, nutritious meal a day. This meal is essential for their physical and cognitive development. The programme has also significantly improved school attendance rates, as for some children this is their only meal of the day.
Another notable project is the sponsorship programme, which connects donors with children in need. This programme covers school fees, school supplies and additional nutritional support, benefiting not only the children but also their families. Sponsors have the unique opportunity to connect with the children they support through letters and regular updates.
The work carried out by A Little Gesture is truly inspiring. There is a strong spirit of collaboration between the team in Portugal and members of the local communities in Mozambique. They organise workshops, practical training sessions and field demonstrations, resulting in a valuable exchange of knowledge and ideas.
Visiting Mozambique, meeting the children in the schools and seeing how they live was an enriching experience that I will treasure forever. It deepened my admiration for the resilience and strength of these local communities.
As well as volunteering for this wonderful organisation, I decided to go one step further and become a sponsor. I currently sponsor a teenage girl in Mozambique. This small gesture on my part has made a huge difference to her life, allowing her to continue studying while her family receives a monthly food parcel.
Helping to keep children off the streets, feeding them and supporting their education is an incredible way to give back. For us, it may be a small gesture, but for them, it makes all the difference in the world.