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Day 23. Our Elderly Fund will bring fish and blankets to the Christmas of twelve elderly people in 2012

The Elderly Fund was born out of the will and concern of Sister Aparecida, a Local ALG Partner in the Chongoene area. She asked us to support the elderly people isolated in the rural areas. These elderly generally have health problems and Sister Aparecida always found time to check on them and to see if they needed anything. Thus, on a meeting with ALG she mentioned her concern for this group and we decided to help them.

Thanks to a regular donor in Portugal it is possible to guarantee the financing of feeding expenses for these twelve elderly people. Every month, Sister Aparecida visits them and gives them a basic basket with rice, sugar, peanuts, oil, pieces of soap, beans, tea, corn, salt, chicken or fish, bread, batteries for their radios and sometimes juice.  

These elderly people’s joy for receiving a monthly visit from someone who can help them is indescribable!

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