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Day 24: We learnt and Improved!

The pandemic exposed ALG beneficiaries to extreme difficulties, making us putting into practice new measures to answer children’s most recent needs

  • Lost of income: leading to hunger and lack of access to hygiene products -> ALG Immediate measure: Monthly Baskets (with and hygiene products) and Farming Kits (for families to plant)
  • Social Isolation: lower school performance and success -> ALG Immediate measure: school sheets delivered, overcoming doubts through phone calls, IT investment
  • Isolation of risk groups: lack of knowledge regarding the disease, more violence, permanent school dropouts increase -> ALG Immediate measure: communication through WhatsApp, lectures organization, more pastoral and psychological support

To address these difficulties and consequent measures was crucial that the local team continued to receive their monthly gratification and a big investment in a digital upgrade.

What did we learn and improved:

  • ALG understood the necessity of communicating with beneficiaries that lived more rurally. Therefore, ALG established direct communication lines, equip local team and centres with digital support, and trained teachers preparing them to the back to school.
  • The need of increasing community poverty relief  was crucial, therefore ALG strengthen family relations during distributions, establishing a safe harbor  for information, education, sharing difficulties (where everyone was essential from Partners and Technicians, to our Psychologist and Coordinators Team)
  • The need of promoting more family economic sustainability is an important aspect of ALG. Therefore, families’ individual mapping was decisive, including economic activities monitoring and appropriate seeds to plant accordingly to the seasons.

Thank you to everyone that along the years continue to support us improving children, families and youngsters lives in Mozambique. Every Little Gesture counts!

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