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Day 24 – Who would know… we have athletes in Chokwé

In June we launched our São Vicente de Paulo & Santa Luísa de Marillac Academic-Sport competitions.

The event started with a football match between the two Chokwé schools where ALG is present: SVP – São Vicente de Paulo vs SLM – Santa Luísa de Marillac. It was a fantastic day with a female and a male tournament –21 children from SVP and another 21 from SLM participated.

We discovered great talents among our girls: Leia Atalia Chivambo, Dercia Matavel and Leonilda Mavenga – all of them scored 1 goal! Among the boys Pedro Milion Cossa and Abelidade Tui stood out – both scoring 2 goals.

Considering all the fun we had, in July we launched the 2nd Edition of theAcademic-Sport competitions! 

In this edition we had a poetry contest and a ntxuva (traditional game) competition, which requires maths’ skills.   Where Américo and Valdo in the ntxuva game, Henriques and Cruzeiro in poetry, and Danilton and Fernando stood out in football. 

The events were a success and children loved them! The days were filed with a spirit of inclusiveness, friendship, enthusiasm and commitment. In 2019 we hope to repeat these events!

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