In 2012, our Portuguese sister-charity directly supported 833 children through the individual Sponsoring programme. Each child is guaranteed access to school and a monthly basic basket, or lunch, depending on the project. Besides the material goods the children feel nurtured and important because there is someone, many miles away, who thinks about them, who transforms their life every month and supports their feeding and educational costs.
Although Sponsoring is very important, the Projects area is complementing it and growing, especially since the launch of ALG in the UK in 2011. Projects are important to “provide” the tools, to teach the families and children how to live better and to develop their competences for sustainability.
In 2012, in the Education area, ALG and UPG supported two pre-schools with 120 children, with ages between 3 and 5. We provided study support to 120 youngsters, full of will to study; and we have around 100 children learning trades in skills-based courses. We helped 10 students with scholarships to fulfil their dream of going to university. We also guaranteed school feeding for 120 orphans at the CRPE.
In Infrastucture, we built 10 family huts many of which fully financed by individuals, to the benefit of 40 people. We are on the final stages of opening 2 water wells, a significant financial effort for ALG this year, improving the life of 1’250 people.
Thank you to all of you who with your Little Gestures make the ALG dream come true – to improve the living conditions of underprivileged children and their families in 2012!
Merry Christmas!!