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Day 5: Alberto is one of the best students of Preschool Flor da Infância

Alberto Jerónimo Duvane is 5 and lives with his mother and his 14-year old brother. He attends the 5-year old classroom of EFI, our sponsored Preschool Flor de Infância, under Teacher Etelvina.

Alberto is a child with a great learning capacity. He has strong personal, social, expression and communication skills. He is one of the best students of the school and a very sociable kid. He’s always the first to finish his exercises and has a remarkable behaviour.

In 2011, a private donor requested us to finance a yearly Scholarship of The Flowers, a financial reward to the best performing children in the EFI school. This years winners will be announced soon as the school year finishes in December. 

Alberto does not have a scholarship yet but he is a strong candidate to be awarded this year’s scholarship! A recent volunteer who just visited EFI says “Alberto is a very sweet child, you just want to hold him and squeeze him in your arms”.

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