Our Local Partners in Chokwé are the Vicentine Sisters Daughters of Charity, both in the Santa Luísa de Marillac School and São Vicente de Paulo School. These Sisters are entrepreneurial, with an admirable skill to CREATE. For the Basic Baskets distributed every month to the 156 children sponsored in Santa Luísa de Marillac by our Portuguese sister-charity, soap is part of the baskets and has several uses (to do the laundry, the dishes and personal hygiene).
The Sisters in Santa Luísa de Marillac had the great idea of learning how to produce soap and in the process creating jobs for several local moms in the community. Instead of buying to other suppliers, the Sisters are now making artisanal soap themselves!
In 2019, the purpose of this initiative is to increase production in order to include these artisanal soaps also in the basic basket of the neighbouring school at São Vicente de Paulo, a total of 228 baskets each month!
A Little Gesture supported this initiative enthusiastically within the spirit of income generation and female entrepreneurship it is a great idea!
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