How to help

Make your donation

You can make your donation through your credit card, in cash, bank transfer, deposit at the counter or through direct debit!
IBAN PT50 0033 0000 4534 0042 447 05
MB Way 91 585 83 65

How to help

Join a project

Join a group, outside or inside your company, and sponsor one of our projects in whole or in part. We undertake to regularly provide you with all the detailed and personalized information about the project you decide to support.

Having fun at Escolinha de Santo André: brasilian self defense dance -Capoeira

At Escolinha do André there are training sessions of Capoeira, led by a youth group that goes 3 days a week to guide the children in the modality!

They are very excited!

Young people from the Growing Program with our sister-charity UPG, “Crescer com a UPG”, have classes on Saturdays! Healthy habits that we support and encourage!

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