Let’s find out a bit more about the smiling brother Cristóvão, who provides a great help at the Santa Luisa de Marillac School, in Manjangue.
Cristóvão Carlos Ngovene is 22 years old and he is a scholarship holder of our sister charity UPG Portugal. With his scholarship, for which he’s so grateful, he’s able to go every day to Chókwè’s high school to conclude his education. He’s in the 11th grade and lives around 20Km away from school, in Manjangue, with his parents Carlos Ngovene and Arminda Nhina and his 4 brothers and 1 sister – Elias, César, António, Azaias and Mónica.
Cristóvão is working with Santa Luisa de Marillac School (SLM) from 7 a.m. to 12 a.m. providing a crucial support in several areas within the scope of ALG’s technical courses area. He visits the children who are ill or who miss school and he accompanies ill children to the health clinic.
Cristóvão acts as connecting link between the children since he knows all the sponsored children very well and speaks the local dialect – Changana. But his main function at SLM is After-school Support were he’s been brilliant! He’s proactive, attentive to detail, hardworking and extremely creative in the art of teaching Portuguese. Cristóvão told us he loves working with children teaching them how to read and write. In his spare free time he likes to help his mother in the farming plot and once he finishes his high school education he would like to become an English teacher.
Khanimambo brother Cristóvão for your daily effort and dedication to these children who look up to you and respect you so much. You are a role model!