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One month later by Patricia Mesquita!

We asked Patrícia for a testimonial, she didn’t hesitate and sent us these heartfelt words. Thank you Patrícia!

“There is less than month left for this experience to be over and all I want is to stay longer. There is no similar experience like abandoning your comfort zone to go to one of the poorest countries in the world, where everything is done differently than what we are used to. This difference makes us grow and look at the world through a different perspective. Being here, in the rural area of Mozambique, makes us rethink everything: our priorities, where we stand in our life. Here there is no stress – what cannot be done today will be done tomorrow… peacefully. Here every neighbour tries to drive poverty away. Here the daily logistic difficulties are not discouraging nor do they take away the contagious smile of everyone’s face.

Above everything, I learned that Mozambicans are fighters: the moms and grandmothers who work every day in the farming plots, under an unbearable sun, to go to the market to sell their produce for little sums; the children who spend the days off school selling corn or farming produce on the streets; the women in general who have to be the head of family, in charge of 4, 5, 6 children, making a living of close to nothing.

These women spend their day in a good mood, waking up in the morning, getting by the whole day without eating, and walking several quilometers to get home. These women get home…to a home without water, electricity and they risk having their hut flooded during the night if it rains. These women eat chima (cooked corn flour) every day and they rarely have beans or greens to cheer up their stomachs. Here fruit is very expensive, and fish or meat are rare luxuries in their lives. We also have the young fighters we have been meeting, many of them supported by ALG, who wake up at 5 a.m. to go their jobs/schools, also spending most of the day without eating, having to pay the crowded chapas (local transportation), where every movement is difficult, even taking the money out to pay … and in the evening they still go to their classes to study and fight for a better future.

Here things are not easy, but they are true. Here everything goes with the flow, in tune with nature. There is not a single day that goes by without listening to a heart breaking story, but at the same time this teaches us to be brave and to value what we have.

Each day that goes by I am more and more grateful to ALG for the work being carried out here. For making such a difference for so many children – either by securing their only meal of the day or by supporting their studies, enabling them to overcome their difficulties or learning a skill that will provide them a dignified livelihood.Khanimambo ALG, for existing and for fighting so hard for this people who is so worthy of a chance.”

Mana Patrícia Mesquita
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