João Gabriel is 13 years old and lives with his grandparents and, like any other child of his age, he likes to laugh, to have fun and play football. He is with UPG since 2012, time at which he became part of Bungane Sponsorship Program.
Last month, he wrote a letter to his sponsors, sent to UPG by Arnaldo, a local UPG technician.
“Hello dear sponsor,
I am healthy and supported by my family, I really enjoyed your letter and also the image of Our Lady Mary. I received a package with clothing (I can’t remember if it was in 2012 or in the beginning of 2013), and also a beautiful rosary with a small book which I use for catechism.
The rosary I lost this year in a retreat where I had my profession of faith and now I only have the little book, thank you. This year, I am taking my profession of faith, and I always pray for the aid you provide me, at school I’m still waiting for the final exams’ results, and I always work very hard but courses with exams are very hard.
I wish your family all the best and Merry Christmas to you.”
UPG started the Sponsorships in 2004 with 50 children. Ten years later, the programme supports c. 900 children in Xai-Xai, Chongoene and Chokwé. Each child is allocated a sponsor and ensured school access and food (either at school or in the form of a food basket). In addition to material goods, Sponsorships provide underprivileged children with care and kindness from a series of very attentive sponsors.
The UPG Sponsorship establishes long-term relationships between children and sponsors of Portuguese language.