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The inauguration of the Dental Clinic El Francês

Today is a very happy day for ALG. Today Gil realised one more dream and inaugurated his Dental Clinic.

Gil is one of the first ALG Uni Scholarship whose relationship with the charity lasts till today. Studying Dental Medicine from 2011 to 2016, Gil is a very driven and hardworking person that dreams of achieving his goals.

With a strong family bond, teaching community children to play guitar, working as a DJ and producing music that played in several national radio stations, Gil also won as a tailor in a Vodafone competition sewing the brands new uniforms. From an early age, Gil wished of owning his own dental care clinic to provide dental health to the local community. Going the extra mile, Gil gives private appointments, works in the Xai-Xai Provincial Hospital, and teaches at Universidade São Tomás de Moçambique (USTM) in Xai-Xai, as well as in Chicumbane.

Closely following Gil’s growth, ALG continues to endorse Gil’s dreams of building and owning a Dental Care Clinic.

ALG Income Generation seeks to finance small individual- or family-led businesses in the local community with the potential to generate income.
Therefore ALG attempts to Stimulate a culture of entrepreneurship among the communities, Strengthen the local economy and financial independency in the families, and promote youth employment.

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