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Women’s Day in Mozambique

Today is Women’s Day in Mozambique and ALG celebrates it by honouring all our moms, mainly those to whom ALG provides Literacy Courses so they can learn to read and write to be able to follow up their children’s education.

ALG Literacy courses develop underprivileged communities, with no education, providing basic writing, reading and calculation concepts for community groups of c.50 people.
ALG offers free access local courses and a morning snack, to youngsters and adults who dream about learning to read and write. Mainly from Bantu origin their speaking dialect is changana and they do not grasp the Portuguese language. The majority of students are young mothers who had to abandon their studies, while they were still little girls, to take care of their children or their siblings.

With £2’000 per year – c.£50 per beneficiary – ALG provides materials, trainers, meals and other costs to teach an adult to read and write for a year. Basic education of young adults increases their employability and self-esteem having a direct impact on their children’s education.

Literate parents transfer the importance of education to their children. We want to reduce the adult illiteracy rate, the gender disparity in accessing education and to break the poverty cycle in these communities.

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