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Why Mozambique?

Many times we are asked… but why Mozambique? With so much country in the world… and with so many other people so close to us, why go so far away?

Xai Xai, Moçambique

Mozambique is the 7th poorest country in the world

imagem com o numero sete, representando a posição de moçambique no indice de pobreza mundial

1,2 million children are out of school

Only 6% of children have access to pre-school education

Early marriage (’18 years) is 48%.
Not even half of all girls complete elementary school

43% is the level of chronic malnutrition in Mozambique

45% is the adult illiteracy rate

22% is the child labor rate in Mozambique

75% of the population in Mozambique lives in remote rural areas

200,000 children live with HIV in Mozambique

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